Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A lost memory


I am not sure what has happen. I fear what I cannot remember, Jron says we are not ment to remember and are safer that way. I hope he is correct. The last thing I do remember was shortly after daybreak. We were trudging along. We are tired. Our horses are tired. And we saw this thing. It was a horse. But not a horse, and it was small. With wings. I would almost say like dragon fly wings. very odd. Harg thought to catch it, it would be simple, it was sleeping on a stump. But the instant he touched it a bright light burst forth and that is all. None of us recall anything else. It was dark when we awoke. Our horses were scatered and frightened.


We were not at the same spot we had been before. We planned on camping until we could get our course on track again. As we sat in silence afraid to sleep we were approached. This was a fairy. no doubt. She told us we get one chance, and we used it. Do not touch her babies. then she was off.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Blue Fairy

We saw our first Fairy today. She was quiet and watched us make camp. She seemed to not care if we were there or not. Maybe we are not the first she's seen. Jron says the Fairies control all. The Dragons and Unicorns, and all other animals in this place.

this fairy did not have wings that we could see.. not sure if they lose them or if some just don't have any.. Maybe she was an Elf Fairy.. the men talk among themselves about how all the animals cross here. Horses with Butterfly or Dragon wings.. odd, but I am unable to argue.. I have no proof one way or another.

I have heard them say even the Dragons have different kinds of wings. I cannot wait to see some of them for myself, the black Drake we saw seemed normal to me.

After about two hours she came to us. She told us of wild and crazy things. the little Pixies that tend the newborn dragons, and the flowers.. It seems to be true, I thought after a good look this must be an Elf.. But everyone said she was a Fairy.. what makes one or the other? I don't know.

She said her people have several groups. None alike, just like the creatures they tend. All are different and act unlike any others of their kind.. Many kinds of Dragons and Unicorns, even Pegasus.. Hmm. What will tomorrow bring? I cannot wait. She said as we move further east we will find some eveil things.. Elves, dragons, and Fairies. We must be careful and watch out backs, and every move we make.

Watch what we step on. The Pixies do not like their gardens trampled.

i will be careful.. I can do nothing else. I fear the Red Dragons... I wonder why.

Number 2

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We had seen nothing all day. I know something must be out there. Little green monsters and bright orange creatures ready to get us as we sleep. Why do continue? We will never find them. No one has seen them in over 800 years. Before most families pedigree's were started. But of late the stories came more often and with so many similarities that we could not sit back and wonder. And joke about the truth of them. We set off to find them. Of course we have to watch out for drakes and gracken's.

We saw our first Drake at noon stop. He was other worldly, black as night but with so much sheen to his scales he appeared to have millions of little stars all over his beautiful body. Without my journal I don't know how I could rememeber all the odd and wonderful things I have seen. I will never forget them, don't get me wrong, but to remember every detail would be all consuming and I know I would forget more then I would remember. Its like waking in another land. Butterfly like creatures over a foot across, in such color's I could never describe. Huge deer, in many shades of brown and red. Though we saw A blue one and a silver one this morning. Jron says this is normal. He is after all older and has been here before.

Of the thirty of us ten fairly young, under five and twenty and have never been this far from our home in Braekwood. We are ten and seven days into this trek. I expected to see many larger animals before now. But I will hold my breath and wait, if there is one drake there will be more, and of course a Queen. I have no illusions of seeing a Queen, but it would make the trip worth it. Even if we never see what we came to see.

Will we see them? Will we be able to bring some back? The histories say they will save us. I wonder.. will they? How? I don't understand how one animal could save a who people. And even if we find them how will we catch them? Our own horses and weak and getting weaker with each generation. Maybe thats what they can do. Can they help revive a whole breed?

Number 1

As I thought about it I wondered. Were we smart for doing this? Or just so full of want and hopes and dreams we just did it wether it was a good idea or not. I have no idea. But here we are and we can't go back. As I ride along I think about all the things we have planned, knowing full well most will never come to pass. Foolishness I think brought us here. Now we make the best of it. Do whatever we can to live through it and make it till tomorrow.

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Oh Hey. Its just me.. lol.